

はてなキーワードの仕組みが特許出願されているとのこと(via id::otsune)。何となくアマゾンのワン・クリック特許を思い出した。ただし、今回のはてなのは現状ではあくまで出願であって特許権が成立しているわけではない。

以下ははてなキーワードの特許 - otsune風呂の特許出願をもう少し詳しく見たもの。特許電子図書館での検索の結果から転載。技術のより詳細な説明は省略(検索可)。



(cf. id:hmmm:20050929#p2)
UK academic gives evidence in intelligent design case | Science | The Guardian

A British academic told a US federal court yesterday that the theory of intelligent design is a scientific rather than a religious concept that should be taught to children in American schools.

Steve Fuller, a professor of sociology at the University of Warwick, said that the theory - which maintains that life on Earth was designed by an unidentified intelligent force - is a valid scientific one because it has been used to describe biological phenomena.

The landmark case arose after eight families took legal action to have the theory removed from the curriculum because they feel it promotes the Bible's view of creation and so violates the constitutional separation of church and state.


The trial began on September 26 and could last until next month.
